The Secret to Perfect Brooklyn-Style Pizza at Home

Unlock the art of making authentic Brooklyn-style pizza at home in your own kitchen with our exclusive guide.

April 30, 2024
Unlock the art of making authentic Brooklyn-style pizza at home in your own kitchen with our exclusive guide.

The allure of Brooklyn-style pizza lies in its perfect combination of a crispy crust, rich tomato sauce, and melted cheese. But what's the secret to making this iconic dish at home? Red Moon Pizza, a local favorite, takes you on a culinary journey to replicate their famous pizza.

The Dough

The foundation of any great pizza is the dough. For that authentic Brooklyn-style, the dough must be thin yet sturdy enough to hold generous toppings. We use a high-protein flour to achieve the right texture. Here's a simplified version of our family recipe: combine flour, water, a pinch of sugar, salt, and yeast. The key is to let the dough rise slowly, preferably overnight, to develop the flavors.

The Sauce

Our sauce is a blend of sun-ripened tomatoes, a touch of garlic, basil, and a secret blend of herbs that's been in our family for generations. The trick is to cook the sauce just enough to meld the flavors without losing the tomatoes' freshness.


Quality is paramount when it comes to toppings. We use locally-sourced mozzarella, handpicked vegetables, and artisanal meats. Remember, less is more; you want each ingredient to shine.


Most home ovens can't reach the high temperatures of commercial pizza ovens, but a pizza stone or steel can help. Preheat it in your oven at the highest setting for an hour before baking your pizza for that perfect, charred crust.

Follow these steps, and you'll bring a taste of Brooklyn into your home, courtesy of Red Moon Pizza's storied tradition.

Authentic Brooklyn Style Pizza and Italian Food

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